2024 05 v.54 811-821
自身炎症性疾病(autoinflammatory disease, AIDs)是一类因先天性免疫系统过度激活而引发的疾病,主要表现为全身的炎症反应和多系统多器官的受累。在AIDs中,遗传因素发挥着重要作用。自首个单基因AIDs被发现以来,目前系统性自身炎症性疾病的致病基因已超过50个。随着免疫学和基因组学研究的进展,AIDs的致病基因谱被不断拓展,对AIDs的认识也逐渐加深。从AIDs的致病基因和临床表型出发,总结了AIDs的致病机制,有助于以更全面的视角了解这一类疾病。
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[1] MEDZHITOV R,JANEWAY C.Innate immunity[J].New England Journal of Medicine,2000,343(5):338-344.
[2] MASTERS S L,SIMON A,AKSENTIJEVICH I,et al.Horror autoinflammaticus:The molecular pathophysiology of autoinflammatory disease (*)[J].Annual Review of Immunology,2009,27:621-668.
[3] MCDERMOTT M F,AKSENTIJEVICH I,GALON J,et al.Germline mutations in the extracellular domains of the 55 kDa TNF receptor,TNFR1,define a family of dominantly inherited autoinflammatory syndromes[J].Cell,1999,97(1):133-144.
[4] CONSORTIUM F F.A candidate gene for familial Mediterranean fever[J].Nature Genetics,1997,17(1):25-31.
[5] CONSORTIUM T I F.Ancient missense mutations in a new member of the RoRet gene family are likely to cause familial Mediterranean fever[J].Cell,1997,90(4):797-807.
[6] PRAS E,AKSENTIJEVICH I,GRUBERG L,et al.Mapping of a gene causing familial Mediterranean fever to the short arm of chromosome 16[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,1992,326(23):1509-1513.
[7] MANTHIRAM K,ZHOU Q,AKSENTIJEVICH I,et al.The monogenic autoinflammatory diseases define new pathways in human innate immunity and inflammation[J].Nature Immunology,2017,18(8):832-842.
[8] AKSENTIJEVICH I,SCHNAPPAUF O.Molecular mechanisms of phenotypic variability in monogenic autoinflammatory diseases[J].Nature Reviews Rheumatology,2021,17(7):405-425.
[9] SAVIC S,CASELEY E A,MCDERMOTT M F.Moving towards a systems-based classification of innate immune-mediated diseases[J].Nature Reviews Rheumatology,2020,16(4):222-237.
[10] MOGHADDAS F,LLAMAS R,DE NARDO D,et al.A novel pyrin-associated autoinflammation with neutrophilic dermatosis mutation further defines 14-3-3 binding of pyrin and distinction to familial Mediterranean fever[J].Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases,2017,76(12):2085-2094.
[11] XU D C,ZOU C Y,YUAN J Y.Genetic regulation of RIPK1 and necroptosis[J].Annual Review of Genetics,2021,55:235-263.
[12] YUAN J Y,AMIN P,OFENGEIM D.Necroptosis and RIPK1-mediated neuroinflammation in CNS diseases[J].Nature Reviews Neuroscience,2019,20(1):19-33.
[13] ZHANG X H,DOWLING J P,ZHANG J K.RIPK1 can mediate apoptosis in addition to necroptosis during embryonic development[J].Cell Death & Disease,2019,10(3):245.
[14] LALAOUI N,BOYDEN S E,ODA H,et al.Mutations that prevent caspase cleavage of RIPK1 cause autoinflammatory disease[J].Nature,2020,577(7788):103-108.
[15] TAO P F,SUN J Q,WU Z M,et al.A dominant autoinflammatory disease caused by non-cleavable variants of RIPK1[J].Nature,2020,577(7788):109-114.
[16] TAPIZ I REULA A J,COCHINO A V,MARTINS A L,et al.Characterization of novel pathogenic variants leading to caspase-8 cleavage-resistant RIPK1-induced autoinflammatory syndrome[J].Journal of Clinical Immunology,2022,42(7):1421-1432.
[17] CUCHET-LOUREN?O D,ELETTO D,WU C X,et al.Biallelic RIPK1 mutations in humans cause severe immunodeficiency,arthritis,and intestinal inflammation[J].Science,2018,361(6404):810-813.
[18] LI Y,FüHRER M,BAHRAMI E,et al.Human RIPK1 deficiency causes combined immunodeficiency and inflammatory bowel diseases[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2019,116(3):970-975.
[19] ZHOU Q,WANG H Y,SCHWARTZ D M,et al.Loss-of-function mutations in TNFAIP3 leading to A20 haploinsufficiency cause an early-onset autoinflammatory disease[J].Nature Genetics,2016,48(1):67-73.
[20] YU M P,XU X S,ZHOU Q,et al.Haploinsufficiency of A20 (HA20):Updates on the genetics,phenotype,pathogenesis and treatment[J].World Journal of Pediatrics,2020,16(6):575-584.
[21] SPAAN A N,NEEHUS A L,LAPLANTINE E,et al.Human OTULIN haploinsufficiency impairs cell-intrinsic immunity to staphylococcal α-toxin[J].Science,2022,376(6599):eabm6380.
[22] ZHOU Q,YU X M,DEMIRKAYA E,et al.Biallelic hypomorphic mutations in a linear deubiquitinase define otulipenia,an early-onset autoinflammatory disease[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2016,113(36):10127-10132.
[23] LI M Q,LI L,ASEMOTA S,et al.Reciprocal interplay between OTULIN-LUBAC determines genotoxic and inflammatory NF-κB signal responses[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2022,119(33):e2123097119.
[24] IWAI K.LUBAC-mediated linear ubiquitination:A crucial regulator of immune signaling[J].Proceedings of the Japan Academy,2021,97(3):120-133.
[25] PELTZER N,DARDING M,MONTINARO A,et al.LUBAC is essential for embryogenesis by preventing cell death and enabling haematopoiesis[J].Nature,2018,557(7703):112-117.
[26] BOISSON B,LAPLANTINE E,PRANDO C,et al.Immunodeficiency,autoinflammation and amylopectinosis in humans with inherited HOIL-1 and LUBAC deficiency[J].Nature Immunology,2012,13(12):1178-1186.
[27] NILSSON J,SCHOSER B,LAFORET P,et al.Polyglucosan body myopathy caused by defective ubiquitin ligase RBCK1[J].Annals of Neurology,2013,74(6):914-919.
[28] WANG K,KIM C,BRADFIELD J,et al.Whole-genome DNA/RNA sequencing identifies truncating mutations in RBCK1 in a novel Mendelian disease with neuromuscular and cardiac involvement[J].Genome Medicine,2013,5(7):67.
[29] SMIT J J,MONTEFERRARIO D,NOORDERMEER S M,et al.The E3 ligase HOIP specifies linear ubiquitin chain assembly through its RING-IBR-RING domain and the unique LDD extension[J].The EMBO Journal,2012,31(19):3833-3844.
[30] BOISSON B,LAPLANTINE E,DOBBS K,et al.Human HOIP and LUBAC deficiency underlies autoinflammation,immunodeficiency,amylopectinosis,and lymphangiectasia[J].The Journal of Experimental Medicine,2015,212(6):939-951.
[31] ODA H,BECK D B,KUEHN H S,et al.Second case of HOIP deficiency expands clinical features and defines inflammatory transcriptome regulated by LUBAC[J].Frontiers in Immunology,2019,10:479.
[32] CROW Y J,STETSON D B.The type I interferonopathies:10 years on[J].Nature Reviews Immunology,2022,22(8):471-483.
[33] CROW Y J,LIVINGSTON J H.Aicardi-Goutières syndrome:An important Mendelian mimic of congenital infection[J].Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology,2008,50(6):410-416.
[34] CROW Y J,MANEL N.Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and the type I interferonopathies[J].Nature Reviews Immunology,2015,15(7):429-440.
[35] PENG J H,WANG Y S,HAN X,et al.Clinical implications of a new DDX58 pathogenic variant that causes lupus nephritis due to RIG-I hyperactivation[J].Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,2023,34(2):258-272.
[36] ZHOU Q,YANG D,OMBRELLO A K,et al.Early-onset stroke and vasculopathy associated with mutations in ADA2[J].New England Journal of Medicine,2014,370(10):911-920.
[37] ELKAN P N,PIERCE S B,SEGEL R,et al.Mutant adenosine deaminase 2 in a polyarteritis nodosa vasculopathy[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2014,370(10):921-931.
[38] JEE H,HUANG Z P,BAXTER S,et al.Comprehensive analysis of ADA2 genetic variants and estimation of carrier frequency driven by a function-based approach[J].Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,2022,149(1):379-387.
[39] LEE P Y,AKSENTIJEVICH I,ZHOU Q.Mechanisms of vascular inflammation in deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2)[J].Seminars in Immunopathology,2022,44(3):269-280.
[40] OMBRELLO A K,QIN J,HOFFMANN P M,et al.Treatment strategies for deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2019,380(16):1582-1584.
[41] KATAN M,COCKCROFT S.Phospholipase C families:Common themes and versatility in physiology and pathology[J].Progress in Lipid Research,2020,80:101065.
[42] OMBRELLO M J,REMMERS E F,SUN G P,et al.Cold urticaria,immunodeficiency,and autoimmunity related to PLCG2 deletions[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2012,366(4):330-338.
[43] ZHOU Q,LEE G S,BRADY J,et al.A hypermorphic missense mutation in PLCG2,encoding phospholipase Cγ2,causes a dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disease with immunodeficiency[J].American Journal of Human Genetics,2012,91(4):713-720.
[44] TAO P F,HAN X,WANG Q T,et al.A gain-of-function variation in PLCG1 causes a new immune dysregulation disease[J].The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,2023,152(5):1292-1302.
[45] REDDY S,JIA S,GEOFFREY R,et al.An autoinflammatory disease due to homozygous deletion of the IL1RN locus[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2009,360(23):2438-2444.
[46] AKSENTIJEVICH I,MASTERS S L,FERGUSON P J,et al.An autoinflammatory disease with deficiency of the interleukin-1-receptor antagonist[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2009,360(23):2426-2437.
[47] MARRAKCHI S,GUIGUE P,RENSHAW B R,et al.Interleukin-36-receptor antagonist deficiency and generalized pustular psoriasis[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2011,365(7):620-628.
[48] ONOUFRIADIS A,SIMPSON M A,PINK A E,et al.Mutations in IL36RN/IL1F5 are associated with the severe episodic inflammatory skin disease known as generalized pustular psoriasis[J].American Journal of Human Genetics,2011,89(3):432-437.
[49] WANG Y S,WANG J,ZHENG W J,et al.Identification of an IL-1 receptor mutation driving autoinflammation directs IL-1-targeted drug design[J].Immunity,2023,56(7):1485-1501.e7.
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[2] MASTERS S L,SIMON A,AKSENTIJEVICH I,et al.Horror autoinflammaticus:The molecular pathophysiology of autoinflammatory disease (*)[J].Annual Review of Immunology,2009,27:621-668.
[3] MCDERMOTT M F,AKSENTIJEVICH I,GALON J,et al.Germline mutations in the extracellular domains of the 55 kDa TNF receptor,TNFR1,define a family of dominantly inherited autoinflammatory syndromes[J].Cell,1999,97(1):133-144.
[4] CONSORTIUM F F.A candidate gene for familial Mediterranean fever[J].Nature Genetics,1997,17(1):25-31.
[5] CONSORTIUM T I F.Ancient missense mutations in a new member of the RoRet gene family are likely to cause familial Mediterranean fever[J].Cell,1997,90(4):797-807.
[6] PRAS E,AKSENTIJEVICH I,GRUBERG L,et al.Mapping of a gene causing familial Mediterranean fever to the short arm of chromosome 16[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,1992,326(23):1509-1513.
[7] MANTHIRAM K,ZHOU Q,AKSENTIJEVICH I,et al.The monogenic autoinflammatory diseases define new pathways in human innate immunity and inflammation[J].Nature Immunology,2017,18(8):832-842.
[8] AKSENTIJEVICH I,SCHNAPPAUF O.Molecular mechanisms of phenotypic variability in monogenic autoinflammatory diseases[J].Nature Reviews Rheumatology,2021,17(7):405-425.
[9] SAVIC S,CASELEY E A,MCDERMOTT M F.Moving towards a systems-based classification of innate immune-mediated diseases[J].Nature Reviews Rheumatology,2020,16(4):222-237.
[10] MOGHADDAS F,LLAMAS R,DE NARDO D,et al.A novel pyrin-associated autoinflammation with neutrophilic dermatosis mutation further defines 14-3-3 binding of pyrin and distinction to familial Mediterranean fever[J].Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases,2017,76(12):2085-2094.
[11] XU D C,ZOU C Y,YUAN J Y.Genetic regulation of RIPK1 and necroptosis[J].Annual Review of Genetics,2021,55:235-263.
[12] YUAN J Y,AMIN P,OFENGEIM D.Necroptosis and RIPK1-mediated neuroinflammation in CNS diseases[J].Nature Reviews Neuroscience,2019,20(1):19-33.
[13] ZHANG X H,DOWLING J P,ZHANG J K.RIPK1 can mediate apoptosis in addition to necroptosis during embryonic development[J].Cell Death & Disease,2019,10(3):245.
[14] LALAOUI N,BOYDEN S E,ODA H,et al.Mutations that prevent caspase cleavage of RIPK1 cause autoinflammatory disease[J].Nature,2020,577(7788):103-108.
[15] TAO P F,SUN J Q,WU Z M,et al.A dominant autoinflammatory disease caused by non-cleavable variants of RIPK1[J].Nature,2020,577(7788):109-114.
[16] TAPIZ I REULA A J,COCHINO A V,MARTINS A L,et al.Characterization of novel pathogenic variants leading to caspase-8 cleavage-resistant RIPK1-induced autoinflammatory syndrome[J].Journal of Clinical Immunology,2022,42(7):1421-1432.
[17] CUCHET-LOUREN?O D,ELETTO D,WU C X,et al.Biallelic RIPK1 mutations in humans cause severe immunodeficiency,arthritis,and intestinal inflammation[J].Science,2018,361(6404):810-813.
[18] LI Y,FüHRER M,BAHRAMI E,et al.Human RIPK1 deficiency causes combined immunodeficiency and inflammatory bowel diseases[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2019,116(3):970-975.
[19] ZHOU Q,WANG H Y,SCHWARTZ D M,et al.Loss-of-function mutations in TNFAIP3 leading to A20 haploinsufficiency cause an early-onset autoinflammatory disease[J].Nature Genetics,2016,48(1):67-73.
[20] YU M P,XU X S,ZHOU Q,et al.Haploinsufficiency of A20 (HA20):Updates on the genetics,phenotype,pathogenesis and treatment[J].World Journal of Pediatrics,2020,16(6):575-584.
[21] SPAAN A N,NEEHUS A L,LAPLANTINE E,et al.Human OTULIN haploinsufficiency impairs cell-intrinsic immunity to staphylococcal α-toxin[J].Science,2022,376(6599):eabm6380.
[22] ZHOU Q,YU X M,DEMIRKAYA E,et al.Biallelic hypomorphic mutations in a linear deubiquitinase define otulipenia,an early-onset autoinflammatory disease[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2016,113(36):10127-10132.
[23] LI M Q,LI L,ASEMOTA S,et al.Reciprocal interplay between OTULIN-LUBAC determines genotoxic and inflammatory NF-κB signal responses[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2022,119(33):e2123097119.
[24] IWAI K.LUBAC-mediated linear ubiquitination:A crucial regulator of immune signaling[J].Proceedings of the Japan Academy,2021,97(3):120-133.
[25] PELTZER N,DARDING M,MONTINARO A,et al.LUBAC is essential for embryogenesis by preventing cell death and enabling haematopoiesis[J].Nature,2018,557(7703):112-117.
[26] BOISSON B,LAPLANTINE E,PRANDO C,et al.Immunodeficiency,autoinflammation and amylopectinosis in humans with inherited HOIL-1 and LUBAC deficiency[J].Nature Immunology,2012,13(12):1178-1186.
[27] NILSSON J,SCHOSER B,LAFORET P,et al.Polyglucosan body myopathy caused by defective ubiquitin ligase RBCK1[J].Annals of Neurology,2013,74(6):914-919.
[28] WANG K,KIM C,BRADFIELD J,et al.Whole-genome DNA/RNA sequencing identifies truncating mutations in RBCK1 in a novel Mendelian disease with neuromuscular and cardiac involvement[J].Genome Medicine,2013,5(7):67.
[29] SMIT J J,MONTEFERRARIO D,NOORDERMEER S M,et al.The E3 ligase HOIP specifies linear ubiquitin chain assembly through its RING-IBR-RING domain and the unique LDD extension[J].The EMBO Journal,2012,31(19):3833-3844.
[30] BOISSON B,LAPLANTINE E,DOBBS K,et al.Human HOIP and LUBAC deficiency underlies autoinflammation,immunodeficiency,amylopectinosis,and lymphangiectasia[J].The Journal of Experimental Medicine,2015,212(6):939-951.
[31] ODA H,BECK D B,KUEHN H S,et al.Second case of HOIP deficiency expands clinical features and defines inflammatory transcriptome regulated by LUBAC[J].Frontiers in Immunology,2019,10:479.
[32] CROW Y J,STETSON D B.The type I interferonopathies:10 years on[J].Nature Reviews Immunology,2022,22(8):471-483.
[33] CROW Y J,LIVINGSTON J H.Aicardi-Goutières syndrome:An important Mendelian mimic of congenital infection[J].Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology,2008,50(6):410-416.
[34] CROW Y J,MANEL N.Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and the type I interferonopathies[J].Nature Reviews Immunology,2015,15(7):429-440.
[35] PENG J H,WANG Y S,HAN X,et al.Clinical implications of a new DDX58 pathogenic variant that causes lupus nephritis due to RIG-I hyperactivation[J].Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,2023,34(2):258-272.
[36] ZHOU Q,YANG D,OMBRELLO A K,et al.Early-onset stroke and vasculopathy associated with mutations in ADA2[J].New England Journal of Medicine,2014,370(10):911-920.
[37] ELKAN P N,PIERCE S B,SEGEL R,et al.Mutant adenosine deaminase 2 in a polyarteritis nodosa vasculopathy[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2014,370(10):921-931.
[38] JEE H,HUANG Z P,BAXTER S,et al.Comprehensive analysis of ADA2 genetic variants and estimation of carrier frequency driven by a function-based approach[J].Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,2022,149(1):379-387.
[39] LEE P Y,AKSENTIJEVICH I,ZHOU Q.Mechanisms of vascular inflammation in deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2)[J].Seminars in Immunopathology,2022,44(3):269-280.
[40] OMBRELLO A K,QIN J,HOFFMANN P M,et al.Treatment strategies for deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2019,380(16):1582-1584.
[41] KATAN M,COCKCROFT S.Phospholipase C families:Common themes and versatility in physiology and pathology[J].Progress in Lipid Research,2020,80:101065.
[42] OMBRELLO M J,REMMERS E F,SUN G P,et al.Cold urticaria,immunodeficiency,and autoimmunity related to PLCG2 deletions[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2012,366(4):330-338.
[43] ZHOU Q,LEE G S,BRADY J,et al.A hypermorphic missense mutation in PLCG2,encoding phospholipase Cγ2,causes a dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disease with immunodeficiency[J].American Journal of Human Genetics,2012,91(4):713-720.
[44] TAO P F,HAN X,WANG Q T,et al.A gain-of-function variation in PLCG1 causes a new immune dysregulation disease[J].The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,2023,152(5):1292-1302.
[45] REDDY S,JIA S,GEOFFREY R,et al.An autoinflammatory disease due to homozygous deletion of the IL1RN locus[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2009,360(23):2438-2444.
[46] AKSENTIJEVICH I,MASTERS S L,FERGUSON P J,et al.An autoinflammatory disease with deficiency of the interleukin-1-receptor antagonist[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2009,360(23):2426-2437.
[47] MARRAKCHI S,GUIGUE P,RENSHAW B R,et al.Interleukin-36-receptor antagonist deficiency and generalized pustular psoriasis[J].The New England Journal of Medicine,2011,365(7):620-628.
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